Monday, September 21, 2009


Ei-Jean. My best best friend in the whole wide world is leaving for UK tonight at 12 a.m.

Therefore, this blog post is dedicated to her.


to our friendship for 11 years and still going strong.

We became friends when i was transferred from 3J to 4G in Lick Hung. We became fast and later best friends.

But being children, we used to argue and fight alot, once i remembered i even made her cry (HAHA! so bad of me).


Nothing could ever make our friendship stumble and tumble.

and when she got a handphone during our secondary school days (she was in Seafield and me in SS17).

we would message each other almost every day,

in which she always messages me first. LOL!

and we would gossip

talk about our problems, our complains

about guys

stuff that's going on

everything under the sky -lah

and now she's off to UK realizing her dreams and all!

I would really really really miss her damn alot!

now who am i going to message now?

and tell all my problems?

even though there's still emails and Facebook and MSN or Skype,

still the feeling is different.

as i write this, i just want to cry.


i don't know whether will you read this

but here i wish you all the best with my heart

and take very good care of yourself there

i want to see you unchanged when you're back here in Malaysia (as in your personality)

but just bring back a boyfriend!

and get more hotter!

and prettier!

i love you very very much!


goodbye my dear friend!

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