A love story mystery that revolves around William Hayes (Ryan Reynolds) and 3 beautiful women, his college sweetheart, Emily (Elizabeth Banks), the witty, cute, April (Isla Fisher) and the intelligent journalist, Summer (Rachel Weisz) and of course the only girl who would never hurt his heart, his daughter, Maya (Abigail Breslin).
This movie was really pleasant and charming, i love the plot. watch this movie if you hadn't had the chance too, but don't blame me if you don't like it okay. HAHA! As Will unfolds the story about the 3 women in his life, on Maya's request, Maya must find out who her mother is, and Will realises, with Maya's innocence and simplicity, that he might still have a second chance in love. Will is also in the midst of a divorce with Maya's mother.
The story begins in 1992, where Will moves to New York, leaving behind Emily, and meeting April, the copy girl for the Clinton campaign, and Summer, Emily's friend, old flame (they had a love affair). He proposes to Emily when she visits and she ends up revealing that she slept with Will's former roommate, and Emily letting Will go because of his dream (he wants to be the president of the US). Before that happened, he actually practiced his proposal to Emily on April, with him saying,
" i want to marry you because you're the 1st person i want to look at in the morning and the only one i want to kiss goodnight, because the 1st time that i saw this hands, " and he held April's hands, " i couldn't imagine not being able to hold them, but mainly, when you love someone as much as i do, getting married is the only thing left to do. So, will you, erm, marry me? " Ryan did that so perfectly, nice!
with April replying, " definitely, maybe, i'll have to think about it 1st. " and this was where i thought that April was Maya's mother, but i didn't want them to not being with each other, hmm, what a dilemma. but it was not her. nope. They go back to her apartment, where April has multiple copies of Jane Eyre in her collection, explaining that her father gave her a copy with an inscription in the front shortly before he died, and she lost the book. She has spent years buying copies of Jane Eyre from secondhand stores, hoping to find the copy her father gave her. Will and April eventually kiss, with Will leaving quickly and getting angry at himself.
The story begins in 1992, where Will moves to New York, leaving behind Emily, and meeting April, the copy girl for the Clinton campaign, and Summer, Emily's friend, old flame (they had a love affair). He proposes to Emily when she visits and she ends up revealing that she slept with Will's former roommate, and Emily letting Will go because of his dream (he wants to be the president of the US). Before that happened, he actually practiced his proposal to Emily on April, with him saying,
" i want to marry you because you're the 1st person i want to look at in the morning and the only one i want to kiss goodnight, because the 1st time that i saw this hands, " and he held April's hands, " i couldn't imagine not being able to hold them, but mainly, when you love someone as much as i do, getting married is the only thing left to do. So, will you, erm, marry me? " Ryan did that so perfectly, nice!
with April replying, " definitely, maybe, i'll have to think about it 1st. " and this was where i thought that April was Maya's mother, but i didn't want them to not being with each other, hmm, what a dilemma. but it was not her. nope. They go back to her apartment, where April has multiple copies of Jane Eyre in her collection, explaining that her father gave her a copy with an inscription in the front shortly before he died, and she lost the book. She has spent years buying copies of Jane Eyre from secondhand stores, hoping to find the copy her father gave her. Will and April eventually kiss, with Will leaving quickly and getting angry at himself.
After all that, Will and Summer became romantically involved, and when Will prepares to propose to Summer, April had returned from her travelling, where she and Will eventually became great friends through postcards and mails. April was piqued and annoyed but she still managed to be happy for Will. This was the part where Maya explained to her dad that April came back for Will and he didn't realize that, and April wanted to become the girlfriend and not just a friend. It turned out later on that the romance between Will and Summer didn't work out.
Will became a mess, he hates his job and starts drinking heavily. He confesses to April that he loves her, but they ended up fighting, as he tells her to go to a "life rehab". Years pass, and Will eventually finds the copy of Jane Eyre that April's father gave her. He goes to give it to her, but decides against it when he finds out that April and her boyfriend are living together.
In the end, Emily turns out to be Maya's mother, which Maya figured out by how Emily/Sarah actually touches her hair while saying encouraging words. On the other hand, Maya realises that her father still loves April because he didn't change her name. IMO, i believe he wanted to remember he completely and it was obvious that he still loves her.
He decides to give the Jane Eyre book to April but when she learns that he was holding on to it rather that giving it to her immediately after several years, she asks him to leave. Maya encourages her father to win April's heart back as she wants him to be happy. Will opens up to April, saying that,
" i kept the book..."
" yah? ", April.
" because it was the only thing left of you...", Will.
April was so touched and you would know what's going to happen next. =)
I really liked the story plot and all and how these 3 women was so attracted to Will. and Abigail portrayed her character, Maya, so cute and smart, i really like it! and OMG, i still can remember Isla Fisher as Gloria from the Wedding Crashers starring Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn, her character's personality in Definitely, Maybe was so different than that, i really love it. she did a great job being April. nice! and i totally wanted April to end up with Will. lol. Ryan Reynolds had perfect chemistry with the 3 women and of course, it was with Abigail that brought out the soft side of him. perfect! A rare kind of chick flick in the man's point of view. cool. personally, i thought that Will and April make a really really cute pair. nice!
" what's a threesome? ", Maya
" erm, it's a game the adults play sometimes...when they're bored... ", Will glancing sideways at Maya.
" whatever. ", Maya. Cute!
" what's the boy word for slut? ", Maya.
" erm, they still haven't come up with it yet. ", Will. LOL!
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