Saturday 05/05/2007
today was my former Alma Mater's Hari Kecemerlangan, it is to erm, appreciate and recognize the students' hard work, blood, and sweat put into their studies academically and non-academically (co-curriculum activities), and getting flying colours for it, yes, or erm, something lidat, whatever -lah. XD
honestly, i was reluctant to go back to school, blah, i don't know why i have this kind of feeling, but then it just comes spilling out, to me, it's kinda awkward going back to high school. XD i had butterflies in my stomach, ok, i know, this is stupid, im such a dork. XD anyway, i had to wait for the SPM 2006 top student --> shan miao to arrive, i told her this,
"eh, when you reach usj 2 lidat, you only sms me."
"halfway liao, u faster come oh, later need to wait for you leh, takkan ask my family wait for you meh, paiseh." she replied.
and you know what? i arrived faster than her, then i called her,
"woi, where are you? im already at school and you're nowhere to be seen, where are you?"
and she said, "im at the smk seafield there."
i was like, "what the, then you so fast sms me to come for what, i told you, you reach usj2 only sms me mah." -_-"
aih, blur shan miao. -_-" *cute*
*ok, i kinda forgotten what are the details that happened* XD
passing through PBSM's room, i heard my name, *and all hell broke loose, okok, just kidding* XD
"雯晶!" omgwad, it's my chinese teacher, bleargh, help me!!!~~ ok seriously, i think she look older liao, shan miao said it's her hair that's why, ok well, maybe. -_-" *but from last year, she had that hair -leh*
"hi, teacher!" i replied.
and then, and then, she started taking my hands -_-", *like, you guys can imagine right* seriously, i was kinda completely stunned and terrified,
"how are you?" *actually it's in mandarin*
"im, erm, ok..." i said.
then phew, shan miao came, and kinda saved me from the awkwardness i was having inside, and teacher said,
"善苗!" *she still hasn't really let go of my hands yet*
"hi, teacher!" shan miao said. XD
"so, what you guys doing now?" teacher asked.
"oh, im doing a levels at taylors." =) i said.
"im planning to go tar college to do diploma in accounts." shan miao replied.
and then the question that i so don't wanna hear just popped out...
"so, how about you and tcp?" teacher asked.
*oh, bloody shit, aihhh* i was thinking.
"together?" she asked again.
"erm, nolah, nolah, don't have, nope, no." i said.
"don't have already?" she said.
oh dear, stop it -lah. looking at shan miao with pitiful eyes, help me!!~~
"no no no. errhhh..." i answered.
"really happy to see you guys" =) teacher said.
me and shan miao just smiled. XD
we saw sook peng and jenn mun, so we went there, when sook peng said,
"hoho, what did you do to your hair har?"
"ahahahahah" i just laughed.
"ahahahaha, just kidding ler." she said. XD
had a little nice chat with them. XD
then irene came, with her bf, may i know what race is he, irene? XD *ahahaha*
once again, my mandarin teacher came and chatted with jenn mun and irene, so well, suddenly, irene just said,
"老师,你看, 雯晶染头发!" (teacher, see, wc dyed her hair)
oh dear. -_-".
"不用紧啦,雯晶长大了吗,我很开放的" (nevermind, she's grown up already, i very open -wan) teacher said.
-_-" is all i could express...
it was actually quite fun going back to school, and me and shan miao had a little chat with sara, wye loon, danish, shern peng, yuet kwan, hui yin. remembering the days we went through, for like 5 years, gwad, it's that long eh, hope we could continue this friendship for as long as possible. XD
and ooh, i didn't know that the school would grant us money, 1 A for RM10, cool, and my wallet is filled with RM110 now. *bwahaahah* must control must control XD.
oh, the good old days