Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Jumping Beans!

Random shots i took recently. Just to experiment with the shutter speed and the DSLR's aperture.


I LOVE taking pictures!

this was taken from our way back from my grandma's birthday. it's a zooming effect and seems like everything is moving fast.

this is with a low aperture number (while the depth of field is low) where Tamama (the blue frog) is dominantly focused while his companions are all blurred.

and then i did some jumping shots when we went back to Seremban for "Cheng Beng".

i love doing jumping shots!

you can't see my full body as i was not using a tripod.

i really must get Shan Miao and Ee Lyz to do the jumping shot with me when we go to I-City! XD

before that, we played with my pen torch with an altered, very much lowered shutter speed to catch the light's movement.

LOL. i look dorky. XD

I think i've never put a picture of me and my DSLR.

So, im signing off with my awesome DSLR. *i think i'll call him Mr. Awesome*



Tay Y Z said...


So much to explore in photography !!

Super happy you're enjoying it as well.

We have lots of incoming events.... dont worry, i'll come to you personally. ^^

Wern Ching said...

hello Tay! (:

What a surprise you came to my blog! HAHA!

hehe. ok! looking forward to it! XD